Saturday, July 12, 2008

Eggs Shells

After i baked my husband favorites Leche Flan. I keep the eggs shells whole, they say that eggs shells has more beneficiaries for plants and soil. Specially for Orchids, i saw these idea from the TV show . Their topic is bio-fertilizer, one of these is the eggs shell. Instead of throwing eggs shells away, put them in the bottom of plant pots instead of stones. Eggs shells are much lighter than stones and they are a great source of nutrition( Calcium). Crushed eggs shells can be added to a compost pile, if washed. Shells are a high source of calcium and beneficial to the soil. Which I did in my orchids. I mixed it in the orchids soil. And I put the eggs shells in the circle on top of the ground surface around tender orchid stems. I found it great and has two function Fertilizer and Deco for the plants.


Chubskulit Rose said...

like this idea.. good job,thanks for posting..

eunice said...

This is something new! I just bought a small pot of wild orchids, but the flowers wither within 3 days! So sad, now I will try your tip the next time I break an egg! :D Thanks!


Malou said...

Nice post...keep it up! :-)

Blue Ginger said...

i wish i had a green thumb too! nice post! =)